Friday, October 29, 2010


Remember the Alamo, but take a San Antonio Stroll. We did this in two parts. First the Alamo where Santa Ana, self-proclaimed Mexican leader, with more than 2000 soldiers laid seige to less than 200 Americans trying to protect a fort and a mission on the San Antonio River in 1836. One of the protectors of the fort was Davy Crockett, alas, all perished when Santa Ana stormed the fort. The Long Barrack and the mission (The Alamo) is all that remains today. The 175th Anniversary of the fall of the fort is in 2011. Part two is the stroll along the famous "Riverwalk" in San Antonio. You actually walk along a man-made canal, about four feet deep, carved to relieve flood waters at one time. Don't know how long it actually is, but we walked it all, first one side and then the other. We even had lunch at the Casa Rio, the first restaurant to offer outside seating along the river in 1946. (You can recognize it by the colorful umbrellas on each table). It was a beautiful day, reaching into the high 70's, but the walk along the river was shaded and cooler than up above on the street. Paco and Pepe enjoyed that stroll too. They didn't have to walk though, as we carried them for security reasons. Tired little puppies by time we were done. The dogs too!!

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